Lipids and Carbohydrates



    • Identify the three important monosaccharides from their Haworth structures
    • Differentiate between alpha and beta anomers
    • Identify the three important disaccharides
    • Understand how monosaccharides link together to form di and poly saccharides
    • Describe the types of linkages between monosaccharides (eg 1,4-alpha)
    • Describe the polysaccharides starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
    • Identify which polysaccharides can be digested by humans and which store energy for plants versus animals


      • Understand and describe what a fatty acid is
      • Describe fats and oils and know their similarities and differences
      • Explain the formation and decomposition of triglycerides
      • Describe the general structure of a steroid
      • Describe the general structure of a lipid membrane
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